墨尔本大学事件 澳洲墨尔本大学排名

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The Melbourne University incident was a famous student movement in Australian history, which happened in 1966. At that time, students of the University of Melbourne protested against the policies of the university, protested against the administration and teaching of the university, and demanded to improve the quality of student life. This movement has an important position in the history of Australia, promoting the progress of Australian society.


In 1966, students of the University of Melbourne began to resist the policies of the government and the university. They thought that the management and teaching quality of the university were not satisfactory, and they demanded to improve the quality of student life. Students protested against the management of the university, demanded more opportunities for students to participate in the management of the university, and demanded to improve the quality of teaching for students.


The students' protest action was taken seriously by the government, and a large number of police and troops were sent to suppress the protest, but the students still insisted on protesting. They set up protest slogans in the university, organized protest activities, and launched a large-scale strike movement.


The occurrence of the Melbourne University incident has aroused widespread concern in Australian society. The government began to pay attention to the students' resistance and established a special committee to investigate the management and teaching quality of the university. In addition, the government also established a new student organization to promote students' participation in university management and to improve the quality of student life.

The occurrence of the Melbourne University incident has had a significant impact on the social development of Australia. It has aroused the spirit of resistance of students and promoted the progress of Australian society, laying the foundation for the social development of Australia。